Nothing Lasts Forever
On Saturday January 20, five artworks and editions will be on view at [NAME]. On that night and throughout the run of the exhibition, the space will be open for artists to take a work from the wall to add to their personal collections but they must leave an artwork installed and available for another artist to trade for. Any artworks remaining at the conclusion of the exhibition on March 9 will be donated to a public institution in Miami. A list of participating artists will be available at the opening and updated throughout the course of the exhibition.
Download free PDF of exhibition tabloid here featuring essay by Monica Uszerowicz
What are the rules and guidelines for the bartering process?
I want to participate, can I bring someone else’s artwork to barter?
How do I decide what to bring to barter?
Can I barter for more than one artwork?
I live out of the country, can I send a friend with my work?
My cousin Alex is an artist, can I invite them?
I haven’t made artwork in years, can I barter?
I’m a collector, can I barter?
Are there size limitations to the work I bring?
What if no one takes my work?
What do you consider art?
How does the concept of exchanging artwork align with my artistic goals and values?
How does the concept of exchanging artwork align with your mission?
What is the main purpose or goal of the bartering art exhibition?
Why is this important here, why now?
Is there a specific theme or concept for the exhibition?
How will you invite artists to participate?
Is the exhibition open to all artists, or will you have a selection process?
What types of art are you looking to exhibit?
How do you plan to promote the exhibition to attract both artists and attendees?
Are there any partnerships or collaborations with other organizations to enhance promotion?
Are there any special events or activities planned during the exhibition, such as artist talks or workshops?
What logistical arrangements need to be made, such as lighting, display, and security?
Have you considered any legal aspects, such as contracts or agreements between participants?
How do you plan to follow up with participants after the exhibition?
Will you gather feedback from both artists and attendees to evaluate the success of the event?
What are the methods you are using to evaluate the success of this program?
Are there any permits or permissions needed for the exhibition?
How long have you been working on this exhibition?
Have you considered potential challenges or issues that may arise, and do you have contingency plans in place?
Have you considered potential challenges that may arise due to out-of-season hurricanes?
Do you have tools?
Are you hiring?
Will the bar be open?
Is “proletarian” still a viable concept, and in what way?
Did AI come up with this?
Who killed Passolini?
Tabloid launch and closing party: Saturday, March 9, 2024, 5–7pm
6572 SW 40th Street
Miami, FL 33155
Nothing Lasts Forever is made possible by Teiger Foundation and and The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation at The Miami Foundation.